All the art to TSSTG #12 is finished and now it's a matter of getting the lettering done. I did half the lettering in this book by hand and looking at it now, you can't really read those pages. So I'm going to have to go in there and computer letter the entire book. I'm praying I can get this done in time.
This issue features the wedding of me and the lovely Lily. We took Disneyworld's offer to marry us there for free and, well, this is what happened on that trip.
My main problem, at this point, is, I bought my new mac laptop and THIS one doesn't seem to like Photoshop 7... which means I have to buy the new CS4 version and it might as well be a billion dollars, since I'm low on funds.
Anyhoo... I thought you all might be interested in seeing the cover! Enjoy!