Everybody sing together now.... THIRTY FOUR DOLLAHS AND FIFY-SIX CENT!!!!!
Okay... wanna know something..? I am not fucking joking when I tell you I'm so cool here! I am VERY excited about this check.
First of all, the check has Spidey on it, so, I mean... right there, know what I mean..?? Secondly, it's my first royalty check, man!! After what is now, ten years of working in comics... I've got a fucking royalty check!! From Marvel Comics, no less.
Yeah, yeah... I understand it's $34.56, but it's the greatest $34.56 check I've had the experience to hold. It's could've been TWENTY-four dollah and fify-six cent... and I'd still be this rad over it.
Because it means... y'know... the work had something to it. I just really dig it.
And the cool thing was... LILY TOTALLY GOT INTO IT!! I was freaking out, feeling all awesome and SHE dug those thirty-four dollahs and fify-six cent at the exact same level I was digging it. And that's when it's cool being married. Because someone's there at a moment when a check for thirty-four dollahs and fify-six cent comes your way with a big Spidey on it and it has the word "royalty" on it. Trust me.
It's a fucking fun moment.
Let this be the first of many, Tom. Maybe its being a sequential number ($34.56, or 3-4-5-6) is a positive omen.
You are going to make a color copy of it for your scrapbook, aren't you?
Awesome. It ain't about the money, Tom, it's about what it represents. I totally feel ya.
Couldn't agree more, man. Couldn't agree more.
lol... we've actually been singing that song around the house. yes... we actually. sing. that. song.
It has sort of a Tom Jones/Neil Diamond rock to it.
You Finally made it to the big time :D
anyway take care man!
Congratulations Tom. Next stop, royalty checks for TSSTG ACTION FIGURES!
TSSTG Action Figures? Me want, me want...
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