Me, Lily, Joe and Monica spent the past two days at the beach apartment in Rincon.
If you've seen Rincon, it's quiet, lots of great beaches and it's where some of the best surfing can be found. Our place is right there on the beach, fourth floor up, facing the ocean.
Yeah... it's our pride and joy.
Little known fact about Rincon..? They have booze there.
Ohhhhh manomanomanomannnnn do they have booze there.
We went out to dinner to the Lazy Parrot. They had a reggae band, great food and some seriously powerful drinks. When I say "powerful" trust me... good lord they're strong. Lily just had a glass of wine, since she was driving.
This didn't stop my brother and I from downing mango margaritas, beer and somethings called "Death by Iced Tea" to which I can honestly tell you... are nuclear fucking Long Island Iced Teas.
So when you have two of those huge monsters... what can be a better than walking down to the pool area bar and actually ordering a long island iced tea? That also melted many, many brain cells.
Lily rolls her eyes as three stupid-ass-wasted people stumble out of the bar with her to the car. Lots of "I LUV YEW MAN" and bringing up embarrassing romances.
We rolled out of the car, stumbled up to our apartment where Joe crashed instantly. Monica and I were trying to get a photo of my unconscious bro, who kept swatting the burst of flash, like King Kong trying to swat at those biplanes.
I then put Monica's hair clasp and put it in my mouth, which gave me vampire fangs and then I put on some sunglasses and what resulted in the funniest fucking photo I've taken in some time. You just have to realize how completely PLOWED we were during this instant in time.
I don't have the photo from Monica yet, but I will post it. Trust me, it's more ridiculous than my San Diego Comic Nerd With Male Camel-Toe. In case you're forgotten THAT jewel:

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